Three Skills down and 2 to go on my Grinding Skills tutorials! I will now be covering the Carpentry tree where you can gather/plant sprouts, cut trees down, refine logs to make furniture and turn boards into bows!In this post I am going to go over my own experience grinding up the Carpentry tree skills:
- Forestry
- Logging
- Carpentry
- Bowcraft
- Warfare Engineering (Not implemented)
Forestry: To effectively level up your Forestry skill, it's probably recommended you enter the character creation stage and set it to 60 be default to collectively bypass it: but for those who do not, the best method I have found is collecting Sprouts from individual trees! Yes this does take a little time but gathering branches only levels me by 0.5/2.0 skill which is very slow. As opposed to gathering sprouts which levels me almost 5.0 skill points up, it's twice as fast and more effective. I would highly recommend getting your forestry to level 90 to have the ability to plant Oaks, elms and Maples which are the best possible Hardwood trees you will be able to use in the game.
Logging: Now that you have levelled your Forestry passed 60, you can now start on logging! Now the trick here is to choose what you'd rather do: both of these methods levels up your logging rather quickly. the first method is to start cutting down Softwood trees: Pine and Spruce trees. these will level you up in no time! However, if you find that you haven't got any Softwood trees around or very limited: the next option is to start gathering Bark! this will level you up by half the amount of point you get from cutting a tree but you can do it literally on any tree! I'd only get logging to 60 since level 60 allows you to start cutting Hardwood trees down: Birch, Willow, Oak, Maple and Elm.
Carpentry: Now there are mixed opinions on what you should use to level carpentry up. In my opinion the best way to level your Carpentry up is cut down a tree and start sawing out billets! Billets are very useful in the game for many crafting recipes as well as being fuel and material for constructing buildings! There are those who argue that you can saw out Softwood billets and use your knife to craft handles, but they do not realise that 80% of the skills they want they just got from sawing out billets, the remaining 20% is from crafting the handles.
You don't even realise you are levelling your carpentry when you are sawing billets/boards/building logs since you don't concentrate on it as much as other skills.
You don't even realise you are levelling your carpentry when you are sawing billets/boards/building logs since you don't concentrate on it as much as other skills.
Bowcraft: Bowcraft is going to the skill that allows you to make bigger and more harder hitting missile weapons such as the Longbow or Heavy crossbow, capable of almost "one-shoting" opponents! The best way I have found to level this skill up is gathering a lot of Hardwood billets and using your knife to craft a ton of BOLTS. Standard crossbow bolts only need hardwood billets and since you'll be using hardwood billets for crafting weapons, charcoal etc You should have plenty abundant in storage or surrounding you! I'd highly recommend level 90 Bowcraft to gain the ability to craft Heavy crossbows and Composite bows: the composite is a very fast reloading, hard hitting bow. the heavy crossbow, as the name says it is a heavy duty missile weapon used to take out heavy armoured opponents! Both are best used on walls!
Warfare Engineering: Unfortunately this skill is not available in game as of yet. According to the roadmap on the Siege warfare will be ready by April 2015!
After viewing the LifeisFeudal Wiki I can tell you at Level (default) you will be able to create Tents and Siege ladders. As soon as you reach level 30 you will be able to make a Mantlet, Level 60 will see the ability to construct a Battering Ram! Finally at level 90 you will be able to create a Trebuchet, the medieval Engine used to tear down great walls and unleash hell on towns!
After viewing the LifeisFeudal Wiki I can tell you at Level (default) you will be able to create Tents and Siege ladders. As soon as you reach level 30 you will be able to make a Mantlet, Level 60 will see the ability to construct a Battering Ram! Finally at level 90 you will be able to create a Trebuchet, the medieval Engine used to tear down great walls and unleash hell on towns!
Remember this skill is not implemented!
Got a better way of grinding the Carpentry tree? Leave a comment or message me so I can compare my methods with you.
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