However many people understand the requirements for them and simply don't know which would be best to either defend, offend or land battle with. So this post is going to go into a little depth to show which form of missile weapon is best used for which scenario.
First lets look into how to get these Missile Weapons:
- First you need your throwing weaponry to 60, you can set this on your character creation before entering a Server. You will have the ability to use a Sling which is an early primitive throwing weapon: if used in collection of a a group, it can be deadly.
- Second you need to have someone or yourself the ability to tan hides and also Tailor as you will need leather armour training to progress to the following skill. Depending on which armour you want I would recommend level 60, you can escalate this to either 90 or 100 for veteran or royal armour.
- This is where we see our first lethal Missile weapon; the dreaded Crossbow. This is a weapon designed to kill those who wear armour and it was widely used during the Sieges of many cities during Richard the Lionhearts Crusade. Depending on if you want bow mastery you will need to level your Crossbow Mastery to 60 and optionally 90 for faster reloads and better accuracy.
- This is the last available skill in the tree: Bows Mastery. A widely used skill that has been the bane of many players game time: especially those who do not wear armour. The advancing skill:L Combat Preparations is not implemented and won't be until future developments. However, the bows in Life is Feudal are very effective tools for sieges, defence and land battle scenarios. I recommend level 90 for speed reloads and better accuracy as well as the ability to use better bows.
Weapon Types and Damage:
The Sling: The sling is an early primitive weapon which allows users to hurly rocks at their enemies/animals. These stones cause blunt damage and are very effective against heavily armoured units especially plate armour. there is only one form of round you can use for the sling and it is Sling ammo.
Damage Type: Blunt
The Crossbow: The Crossbow is the medieval equivalent of a AP (armour piercing) shot from a gun. The crossbow can come in 3 forms: The light crossbow, the Arbalest and the Heavy crossbow. The light crossbow is a level 0-30, the Arbalest, level 30-60 and heavy crossbow level 60+. These crossbows can be fitted with 3 round types: Standard Bolt (slashing) , Heavy Bolt (piercing) and Dull Bolt (Blunt).
Damage Types: Blunt, Slashing, Piercing
The Bow: The bow is the fastest reloading missile weapon in the game with 4 different bow types: the simple bow level 0-30, the short bow level 30-60, the longbow level 60+ and the composite bow level 60+. The bow is a simple to make weapon and it is very easily learned. IT can be equipped with 4 round types: Standard Arrow (slashing), Bodkin Arrow (piercing) Broadhead arrow (high slashing) and the Dull arrow (blunt)
Damage Types: Blunt, Slashing, Piercing.
Defending your Castle: When defending your castle, fort etc. You will want to be on the walls repeatedly firing at your oppressors who are either trying to storm your castle or just generally try and kill you. Using your walls effectively with a missile weapon is the best way to rid intruders. Using a mixture of Crossbow and Bow you can effectively peel off counter archers but also put a hurting on any armoured units trying to create a way into your castle. The mix of slow but high damage and fast but medium damage rate can make a siege almost impossible. If you ever find yourself killed in your castle, quickly break out a sling, they're very effective if the enemy are hugging your walls!
Offending a Castle: When you want to offend a castle aka Siege it. You want the best type of missile weapon to be used to put pressure on the enemy defending archers. I would recommend using only the Bows, as these are fast reloading and you won't be stationary for very long. This is a great strategy as it makes the enemy archers relocate for each shot where as you can duck, weave and hide from their shots. I would suggest adding maybe a single crossbow to the fight for those heavier armour enemy archers but you risk the stationary reload time which makes you a wide target.
Land Battle: Now depending and the armour your enemy is going to be wearing you might want to go a mix of Sling, Crossbow and Bow, but many users tend to go full bow as the arrows used can potentially replace the use for the sling and crossbow. However, that being said, if the enemy went full crossbow then the team with full bows would be having a hard time avoid those high impact bolts. Some bolts are a one shot kill some require an extra shot but a bow usually takes 3-4 hits before a user dies and/or flees.
Stat Requirements for all missile weapons:
My recommended skill set for using every missile weapon available in the game is the following:
Strength: 50
Agility: 45
Constitution: 25
Intellect: 10
Stat Requirements for all missile weapons:
My recommended skill set for using every missile weapon available in the game is the following:
Strength: 50
Agility: 45
Constitution: 25
Intellect: 10
I hope this post helped any folk figure out which form of missile weapon they might be wanting to aim for, if you have any questions please comment or contact me!
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