• With the new Sandbox MMO' Life is Feudal:Your Own just around the corner from being totally complete I will share my thoughts and opinions as well as Tips, tricks, Tutorials and general advice for playing on Life Is Feudal!

    Tuesday, 21 April 2015

    Training weapons: how not to kill your friends!

    Training the right way

    So once we all get to that point where we can create training weapons such as the training sword, the bastard sword etc, we all want to train with them! However, Since training dummies and Archery targets training abilities aren't implemented, we need to find another form or method to train!

    Idea 1

    The first idea is to find animals: peaceful or aggressive. However this can have repercussions due to the fact that if you are level 0 - 30 in the weapon of your choice, your attacks are slowed. This is to simulate that you do not know how to use the weapon! So Fighting a bear or wolf with a wooden sword is not recommended.

    Idea 2

    This is when players start turning to each other to help level your characters weapon training. Again this has repercussion, we all know the fabled training glitch where you can randomly critical hit your friend for 200 blunt damage killing them instantly: therefore them being mad and possibly asking to leave the guild/group.

    Idea 3

    Now this is where we see the same set-up as idea 2, but with a  twist. This is a method that many people know and loads more do not. To effectively train with your members in any form of weapon, be it militia services to two-handed blunts. You go into a unit, the person who wants to train, draws a mallet, the person whom he/she is training on YIELDS and therefore assumes the position of a yielded character.
    The next stage is to simply smack the yielded character with a mallet rendering him Unconscious. This is where you take your training weapon out of your choice and start attacking the body! Now do not worry! You aren't killing your Unconscious friend, he doesn't sustain any other form of damage due to him being KO'd. This is a fantastic way of levelling up training weapons!

    The best part is you can even use real weapons on these unconscious friends and they'll freak out thinking you are going to kill them! Im serious here, you can't kill them when they are KO'd it's impossible.

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